The venue was buzzing.
Literally, the loud murmur of thousands of people discussing all things coffee, drinking shots of espresso, debating about quality and flavor profiles, asking about the best techniques, the newest trends, filters you need, tampers to use, grinding machines, where you source from, where you should be sourcing from, processing methods…. and on and on and on…
Just walking through the 2017 SPECIALTY COFFEE ASSOCIATION GLOBAL EXPO at the Washington State Convention Center could make you buzzed, yet alone the 'All You Can Drink' shots of gloriously, good espresso.
This past month a few from our team attended this yearly event and we wanted to recap some of our thoughts for you...
For me, it was my first time being a part of the industry’s finest collections of people and product. I made it a goal of mine when I first came on board at Lanna to attend this event and I was not in the least bit disappointed. It was overwhelming in the best of ways. I was especially struck by meeting people who care about where they are sourcing and want to make a positive difference through their business. This is a huge part of my heart and I couldn’t help but be encouraged that others are actively working to stop the exploitation of women and children in coffee fields around the world. There’s still so much more we need to do to end slavery in the coffee industry, but it’s a good feeling to know Lanna is not alone in doing this. I was really encouraged that my generation cares about who is producing their morning brew as much as excellence in taste… maybe we all will be able change the world one cup at a time?
Bryan (Our CEO) also attended for the 2nd year in a row and had this to say about his experience this year:
“SCA EXPO was an inspiring time. It is always an amazing time to have those who see coffee as a tool for transformation. I was reminded of the ability that our partners (businesses and subscribers) have to enjoy specialty coffee while changing the future for the farmers working in Thailand. It was great to connect with old friends and meet new ones. Of course the tasty coffee was an added plus to the conference and seeing the new packaging and growth in cold brew (we still feel strongly about the quality that we are offering here in Fresno!). The conference was an amazing experience and one that ignites our passion to continue to serve you!”
Aaron (Roaster, etc.) drove up with his crew and even though they slept in a van down by the river he seemed to have an awesome time, as well. This is what he had to say about his experience:
“SCA is a great event to see how large the specialty coffee industry is! I am reminded of how unique and special coffee is to consumers, producers, importers and roasters alike. It gave me further inspiration that what we do at Lanna is impactful. It gives me a wider perspective of how we treat people on a global level and the tool that drives that perspective is coffee. I get the sense that many people at the expo all want the same things: quality coffees, better farming practices in coffee growing regions and better service globally.”
I feel truly blessed to be partnering with these guys, with YOU and with so many others to bring quality coffee that changes people’s lives.
Thank you.
-Kelly Mitchinson
Lanna Administrator, Etc.
(Bryan and I volunteering at the Expo)